I asked him what he had in mind. He said he wanted it to look like the western desert here in Utah, which is only slightly better than the above. It looks like this:
Our deserts have sagebrush, rabbit brush, juniper trees, and few very hardy flowers. It is beautiful.... in the desert.... not in my front yard. So I investigated and researched (okay I wasted a LOT of time on Pinterest) and found out there are some incredibly pretty, flowery low water landscapes!
Who knew?
So we started this huge project - meaning I came home from work and the hubby had sprayed the lawn with Round Up, so ya we started this huge project. But I am on board now and I think it will turn out incredible. I mean the idea itself is good. I am not a tree hugger or a hippie type but I think we are to use the resources God gave us wisely. It seems to me that dumping gallons and gallons of water on every lawn in every neighborhood in the middle of a desert state is not only wasteful - it's just dumb. I think how much water we could save if everyone maybe did a little less lawn.
We are leaving the lawn in back for the dog and grandkids - they share well -
We are leaving the lawn in back for the dog and grandkids - they share well -
Okay off the soapbox. Here is where we are to date:
We have created a stone walkway from the sidewalk to the second driveway and a dry creek bed.... apparently leading to the garbage cans. No, I'm kidding, There is going to be a butterfly bush at the end that the creek bed meanders into. We have also made two berms, one on each side of the creek bed for flowers and rocks and grass and more flowers and stuff.
By the way, literally tons of rocks are to be had for FREE on ksl.com. We got all of these and didn't pay for anything but gas and time! I have also purchased a butterfly bush, two dogwoods, three sedum flowers and two other bushes that I forgot what they are (menopause brain) from NPS last fall for less than fifty bucks!!!! I am so cheap! I also bought a really really good shovel. So we are into this for less than a hundred dollars so far. There are still trees to buy and flowers to beg or borrow. I found people are pretty willing to let me have flower bulbs if I will come seperate them.
Anyway I was first really freaked out by the idea but after lots of research (aka Pinterest) I am totally sold on it. I am all in. Plus the one very very cool thing... hubby and I are working together on a project ....not disagreeing ... I am trusting him more and I think he is trusting me more. It's working for us and I am loving it!