Monday, May 9, 2016

No more grass update

So the Redesigning of the front yard is a long painful process.  I have a tendency to want things exactly right.  So I make myself crazy pouring over websites to find just the right plant or just the right rocks.  Yeesh.

But here is what we have done thus far.

We made some berms and added rocks and trees to them.  Note the daffodils are in full bloom.  I love daffodils.  You don't have to do a thing to them, they just come up and stay for a month or so.  I am going to divide them when they die down and spread them around.

We planted alyssum on the sides of the stone walkway to hopefully hold some of the dirt in between the stones. You can't tell but it is three shades, dark purple, a rose color and white.  

We went out and got free rocks with a BLM permit and I built this lovely little wall. 
The iris are from the back yard.

I added phlox along the dry creek bed.  The theory is it will get much bigger and sort of drape over the rocks and into the bed.

We got more free rocks off and I made pathways along the wall, the creek bed and one of the berms.  

I think it is coming along nicely.  I hope to get some ground cover in over the dead grass.  There is still lots to do before it's done.  I am shocked at how much plants cost though.  I think it is a rip off.  I figured several ways to save though.  Look around the neighborhood for overgrown plants that need to be divided.  Offer to do the work for part of the plants.  I have a friend down the street willing to give me lovely tulips if I come divide them.  I also look on ksl a lot.  I got most of the bushes on clearance at the end of last year and wintered them in the back yard.  They are looking pretty good.  I have used Shopko $10 off printable coupons when mulch when on sale.  

I haven't spent all that much yet.  The trees were absolutely the most expensive at 89 buck a piece.  Then the mulch is around 40.  The rocks were mostly free just the time and gas to go get them. 

Next up is ground cover!!

Friday, May 6, 2016


So it seems our new President of the United States is going to be either a criminal who will be facing charges and possibly jail time or an ego maniacal narcissist.   Wow.    Can we start a write in campaign for soemone else.  Anyone else.  Or start a campaign to fire these to yahoos and start the process over.  The fact that one of these idiots will be President makes me feel like this:

Which I already feel like some days.  Thank you  menopause.  Today is not a good day.  Today I am trying to keep the crazies tucked in and the weeping at bay.  Not an easy task.  I really have no reason to weep which only scores another point for the crazies.  Plus it's Mother's Day Weekend for which I am feeling inexplicably morose.  Again there is absolutely no reason for that.  My two children are incredible adults who love me and are attentive.  My mother and mother in law are lovely women for whom I appreciate and love.  (score another for the crazies.)  

I think abut Mom's.  After my number one son went on his mission I went into a depression of sorts thinking I was done.  I had checked everything off the mommy list, So what now?  I found there are so many people out there who need a mother figure.  I have many friends now, mostly younger, who needed the stability (ha!) of an older woman to just listen and to encourage.  I like talking to them and hearing their hopes and aspirations.  Oddly enough , several of them call me Mom.  I consider it an honor and a blessing.  And possibly a calling from God.  

It's  a tough world now.  So many children have raised themselves, never having the stability of a parent to guide them in decision making.  Which might actually explain why young people are so hip on Bernie sanders.  He will decide everything!  he will make everything easy!  Socialism is great!  Which still makes me feel like this:

So amongst politics, and hormones - today the crazies are winning.

But look out tomorrow!