Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Women have it tough

Women have it tough.  Really tough. Think about this.  The average woman bleeds for one week every month , twelve months a year, for roughly THIRTY FIVE YEARS!

That is a lot of blood!

Of course you can deduct the amount of time a woman spends growing a human inside which morphs her body into a different shape entirely... only to push a baby head the size of a cantaloupe through a hole not nearly big enough.  Did I mention that this process HURTS LIKE NOTHING ELSE ON EARTH!!  And of course her body will never ever be the same.

And if just the periods weren't enough, there is the week leading up to it with hormonal nutsies, the insatiable munchies, and the self loathing because you know you shouldn't eat anymore but you HAVE to .... like a crack addict needing a hit.  Then you have the bloating.  And the eternal cramping as your body tries to annihilate and forcefully eject a portion of itself that it created but doesn't want anymore.  All this is monthly!

Just when you think there is an end in sight, that the periods might eventually stop.... there is a whole new hell called menopause.  It comes complete with night sweats so bad you wake up drenched, weight gain without eating a thing, hair sprouting in places you thought only men had hair, and new hormonal crazies that leave strong men fearful and children scarred.

Ya women have it very very tough....

                                              .....  and that is why you should lower the damn toilet seat.

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